PARTY: Summer of '96!


We're having a party, and you'reinvited!

Graham and Susan are having a party celebrating one of our favourite years, 1996. Why that year? Why not? It was a pretty great year: The Spice Girls and The Fugees topped the charts, Tom Cruise reached the pinnacle of his career with Mission: Impossible and Jerry Maguire, Donovan Bailey won gold at the Atlanta Summer Olympics, and Dolly the sheep became the first successfully cloned animal. Strut your favourite 1996 styles if you want, and get an extremely rare chance to flip through our high school yearbooks.

Here are the details:

What?A Party
When?Saturday, August 9   -- 9pm until late
Where?Graham and Susan's Apartment
Who?You! (hopefully)
BYOB?We'll provide 90s mainstays, perhaps Zima or Mike's Hard Lemonade (still trying to decide); Anything else you'd like, please bring it along.

You can RSVP if, if you like, at (or email Graham: gfscott at gmail)

Please sign the guestbook!